Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mean People

Why?  I really wish I knew.  All I know for sure is that there are people out there who are mean on purpose.  They would never admit it.  They might make up excuses for being that way.  But the truth is they are just mean, ON PURPOSE.  And the one thing I tell my girls is that someone who is mean to you on purpose is not your friend.  I have been with my husband for almost 20 years and I can honestly say that the man has never done anything ON PURPOSE to hurt me.  Not once.  Even in his most angry moments he may have said things that he felt but not to hurt me.  He's never called me a bad name.  He's never made fun of me for asking a stupid question.  He's never tried to get back at me for something.  He's never ever not once in our whole lifetime tried to hurt me on purpose.  Now he's done a lot of stupid things that were unintentional that hurt me but that's different.  As soon as he knows he hurt me he feels bad.  And I feel like the luckiest woman on the Earth because believe me I've had a lot of hurt in my life and to find someone who is so gentle and kind has helped me to heal more than I ever thought I could.

I blogged about feeling comfortable in your own skin.  In that blog I talked about the fact that usually the only time I start to feel uncomfortable is when I am in a conversation with someone who is deliberately trying to make me feel that way.  I HAVE NO TIME FOR THIS PERSON.  Remember I said you know your in this conversation when you feel like you have to start making up excuses for being who you are.  And that's just a big ole giant pile of crap!!!  I should NEVER have to "Excuse" myself.  I am who I am.  If you don't like me that way than GET THE *! OUT OF MY LIFE!!!  And especially if you feel a strong urge to point out what you don't like about me.  Because fortunately for you I have learned that being mean back is not an option.  But if you push me......you might just get an earful.

OK here's the deal.  If I take the time out to get a babysitter, leave my kids at home and go out to spend time with someone, ITS NOT going to be with someone I don't like or who makes me feel bad.  I just don't have time for that anymore.  And I make no excuses for it either.  There are plenty of other people that I would much rather spend my time with.  And like I said before I'd rather be at home puking.  It's really that bad.

So the next time you get invited somewhere and you have that moment where you pause and think "I just know that this isn't going to turn out well"  Listen to it.  Because I can guarantee that you'll be mad at yourself for going.  And you'll be filled with bad feelings that you didn't have to have.  Life's just too short to be wasting it on people who don't like me.

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