Friday, January 6, 2012

DO NOT compare the way you feel inside to the way someone looks on the outside

OK.  If I could literally give one piece of advice in my whole life and had to shut up about everything else this would probably be the one thing I would say to every single Woman on the face of the Earth.

This is SO not fair.  When you see someone else and how they "appear" to be you make an assumption right away.  This person shows up everywhere looking and seeming like they always have it together all the time.  This person is literally perfectly perfect in every way.  Well guess what?  No one is and no one does have it together all the time.  If you see this person.....and you compare the way you feel on the the way that person looks on the'll lose every time.  I have had people say to me "You just seem like you always have it so together" or maybe you've been to my house for a party and you think my house just magically looks this way all the time.  Maybe you see me out and I'm dressed to the nines.  Whatever the situation may be.  I'm not perfect.  I spend lots of time to "appear" a certain way for "certain" things and the rest of the time I can assure you that if you popped by my house on a would be a mess.  Or if you saw me picking my kids up from school I would not have make up on and I'd be in sweats.  I definitely have things that I am gifted at such as throwing parties and getting people together but believe me I have my flaws and so does everyone else.

When I compare myself to that perfect Mom/Wife/Business woman who appears to have it all together on the outside I am just hurting myself.  We do not have the same lives and feelings.  We do not have the same talents and strengths.  This Woman who "appears" to be perfectly perfect all the time could be going through a divorce, or have a terrible husband she just puts up with because she's too ashamed to get a divorce, or maybe she's secretly addicted to meth (it happens).  Whatever the situation I can assure you she is not perfect.

My gift you you is that I will always be honest.  I will never try to make you feel like I somehow have it all over you.  As Woman we should NOT be competing and comparing.  We should be helping and sharing.  The best gift you can give a friend is the truth.

So if you are ever at my house and are thinking "Wow how does she do it?"  I invite you to go look in my basement.  I certainly don't want you there but I am not ashamed of what's down there.  It's a mess.  No matter what I do or how many times I clean it it's a mess.  And when I have a party it's a double mess cuz that's where everything goes that I don't have time to deal with.

And I cry.  Not all the time but I do cry.  And when I cry I sob like I have lost my best friend.  And I let my girls see me cry because it's OK to cry.

And I don't wear makeup every day.  I go out in public with "no face"

And my house is not always clean.  Most of the time it's trashed and that's OK.

We are a very casual, laid back family and that's just the way I like it.

There's more for sure but I can't think of it now.

Anyway.  The next time you are looking at a Movie Star, or another Mom, or someone you work with or anyone for that matter and thinking how they look "so much better" than you feel like you are.  Remember......Do not compare yourself.  You don't have all the facts and you are perfect just the way YOU are.  :D

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