Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Most everyone who knows me knows that I am a huge believer in Therapy.  I believe that if someone out there can help me fix my flaws or learn to handle things a different way that it's something I should absolutely do!  Now not all therapists are equal.  I think a therapist should be able to give you real life solutions to deal with things that you are not sure how to handle.  For instance if I don't want to take calls from a certain person anymore who should really be calling Jay I can just say "Jay isn't here but I'll have him call you" Or "Here's Jay he would be happy to talk to you about this"  Instead of "DON'T BLEEPING CALL ME ANYMORE CRAZY PERSON!!!!!!!!" And even if I did say that or something less aggressive but to the point like "I really don't want you to call me anymore I'd prefer you call Jay"  This person probably won't "hear" me anyway.  So when I go to my therapist and ask how to handle this particular situation she gives me a graceful way out that is specific to the situation.  And I'm always like "DUH!!"  Why didn't I think of that?  But the truth is when you are in your own life it's hard to look at things objectively so having someone outside who can give you solutions is a huge benefit.  As a matter of fact I think it has saved many a person from the wrath of my angry outbursts.

Now of course since I am a believer in therapy and they way people "feel" and "think"  I do have a tendency to Therapy Tackle most everyone I know.  This means you give me a tiny inkling into something that's going on and I spend the next 2 hours trying to figure it out and help you.  Not everyone enjoys this behavior and it's very hard for me to control it so the best thing anyone can do for me is just say Shut the * up!  I may not.  If I've been drinking there's a really good chance you'll have to run from me.  But I WILL hear you and by the next day I will know that it's a line not to be crossed.

This behavior has also gotten me into quite a few binds myself.  I have a tendency to ask questions to get people talking and before I know it I've met the craziest person in the room (besides me) and they are telling me every dark deep secret that they have.  This happens to me A LOT!  Of course I totally understand and would love to spend all my time listening to their problems but I just don't have that kind of time.  And typically this person is NOT wanting solutions they are just wanting someone who they can drag into their life of chaos.  For this reason I am always a little on guard with someone I meet who wants to be best friends right off the bat.  Of course you "click" with people but a relationship takes time to grow.  And for me getting trapped in a corner by someone is not a relationship.  I also see this situation as a little bit of karma.  Since I've Therapy Tackled a number of people who did not enjoy it I've got it coming.  And really in the end if they get stuff off their chest it's really not hurting anyone.

For me.  Therapy has almost always been a positive experience.  It's not always easy and there is often lots of work and change involved but in the end it's always been worth it.  I have healed wounds I thought would never be gone.  I have learned how to deal with situations that were very difficult for me to confront.  I have been able to realize I'm not a perfect parent and found ways to be better.  I have learned tolerance and acceptance.  I have been able to admit when I am wrong.  And I believe I am a much healthier person for it.  Considering where I came from I could be living my life a much different way.  And as far as my children are concerned that would be a very bad outcome.  My goal is to be as aware as I can of my faults and what I can do to make life a more positive experience for my family.  There's still plenty of time and lot's of stuff coming my way so for me......the therapy will continue.  I hope to be able to have a positive "Life Coach" for as long as I need one.

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