Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sleepovers and such....

OK Here we go.....Again I must stress that everything I blog about is my opinion.  I am not here to change anyones mind or make anyone feel bad about what they do.  I just want others who feel the way I do to know they aren't alone......

Sleepovers might be the worst thing I've ever had to deal with as a parent.  I am not a fan.  The social pressure is intense for me to let my kids spend the night at other kids houses though.

I'm gonna make this short and to the point.  Sleepovers were almost never a good experience for me.  I can only point to one friend who I stayed over night with where something that made me uncomfortable didn't happen.  Other than family.

So.  Just because my kid knows your kid does not mean that my kid can stay at your house.  I made up excuses for years to avoid this.  I have spent their whole lives telling my kids not to talk to strangers.  When I let my kid stay at another kids house and I don't REALLY know the parents....for me it's like opening a car door with a strange man inside and putting my child in the front seat to go for a quick ride.  This does not mean I think all other parents are bad.  I just don't know them.  And I think it's totally ridiculous for anyone to be pressured into leaving their child overnight at a home with people they don't know.

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