Sunday, January 15, 2012


OK it's Pink and sparkly and it's all in order.  The thing is I have this Bubble over my head that holds all the things inside of it that I need to do.  By Bubble is PERFECT!!!!  And that's just the way I like it.  However it's a Bubble.  And what happens to Bubbles if you touch them?  They POP!!

What Pops my Bubble?, dogs, Jay, traffic jams, long lines at the store, red lights, the car wash being closed, backing into a truck at the Humane Society, waking up on the wrong side of the bed, the dog throwing up on the carpet I just got cleaned....I could go on and on and on.  Basically what pops my Bubble is life.  And for a long time I did not handle it very well when my Bubble popped.  And by not handling it well I mean TOTALLY FREAKING OUT!!!!  Because now I have to pick EVERYTHING back up and put it back in my Bubble while finding a place for this thing that popped it to fit in.

My Bubble is a gift.  Clearly it allows me to do a lot of things well.  For instance as soon as I know I'm having a party (which I love to do BTW) my Bubble starts to fill up with all the things that will be involved in this party.  I may make a list but I can assure you that the list is not as detailed as the Bubble.  The Bubble has Sparkly Pink thoughts in it that fine tune the details that NO ONE ELSE knows about.  And I don't lose anything in my Bubble.  Even if it gets popped I can still pick everything back up and put it back in my Bubble exactly the way it was, of course adding the thing that popped it.

My Bubble is a gift but it also causes me much anxiety.  My need for my Bubble to be so perfect makes me a difficult person to be around.  AND it doesn't allow for surprises or life to interfere.  So even though I love my Bubble and it serves a wonderful purpose most of the time, I've had to learn to allow my Bubble to be popped.

Here's how it happens.  It's Friday night and I'm in the middle of cleaning or cooking or getting the house ready for the weekend and Jay comes home.  He announces that we should drop everything and take our 3 kids out to dinner RIGHT NOW!  POP!!!!!!!  There goes my Bubble.  Now I have to fit in "Get ready, get kids ready, figure out a place to go, go there (with kids) and then get back home"  This may not seem like a huge deal to a person without a Bubble but if you have a Bubble you KNOW exactly what I'm talking about.  And this POP usually results in one of 3 things.  1. I scramble to pick up all my stuff and cram this other thing in with my bubble.  2. I flip out on Jay for even suggestion something so horrible like going out to dinner with the family.  or 3. I say No Way can't do that right now.  And no matter what happens I stick to my guns.

Fortunately for my family I have had so many opportunities for my Bubble to be popped that over the years I have learned how to calmly pick it all back up and move on.  I am a much more relaxed person that I used to be for sure.  And if I could go back to when my older girls were little I wish that I could have let a lot of the things in my Bubble go.  But we can't change what's already done.

So now.....when I'm all set up for my Avon Open House....and Jelly spills the pink punch on the Living room carpet at the very last minute before someone walks through my door.....My Bubble still pops.  But it's not nearly as traumatic for her as it is for me.  I have to say "It's OK" It was an accident and I'm not mad.  All while I'm picking up my stuff and putting it back in my Bubble.

Now this doesn't mean that I never freak out when My Bubble Pops.  Sometimes it builds....and builds......and then POP!!!!  All of a sudden for no apparent reason I am FREAKING OUT on my family and no one is safe from the wrath of my Sparkly Pink Bubble.  Everyone thinks I've temporarily gone insane and they start moving faster than you've ever seen in your life.  Out of fear mostly.

So.  If you have a Bubble feel free to contact me any time to talk Bubble's cuz I think the more we know the better equipped we are to deal with them.

If you LIVE with someone who has a Bubble.....well then I'm sorry.  Really.  There's nothing you can do.  You will pop their Bubble and there will be consequences.  But if you are really brave you could occasionally have some fun and Pop their Bubble on purpose.  This is a very risky procedure and I cannot guarantee your safety but in the end Popping someone's Bubble might be a loving thing to do for them because it will teach them how to deal with their Bubble.  OR they might freak out and attack you with a duster!

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