Saturday, March 3, 2012

Limbaugh/Birth Control

I literally JUST listened to Limbaugh's rant on birth control.  My immediate reaction to the things he said is that of course I'm HORRIFIED!!!  He's just really lucky he wasn't making his comments about one of my daughters because I would literally camp outside of his house with a sign that say's "Perverted, jackass lives here".  And I wouldn't leave until I made his life miserable.

Now as far as his point of view goes I think everyone in this Country get's to have an opinion on wether or not we have to pay for someone to take Birth Control.

How do I feel about it?  Well I think if Woman had access to it there would be less abortion and less unwanted children in this World.  There are so many children in this World who are unwanted and if we could proactively give Woman the right to choose wether they end up in this situation maybe the numbers would go down.

Once he expressed his opinion about not wanted to pay for this,  all of his comments that followed were without a doubt highly inappropriate.  They do not make any valid arguments on behalf of his opinion.  As a matter of fact he doesn't even make sense thru most of it and I think there is a good chance he's losing his mind.

And let me ask this?  If he made a racial slur on his show how much trouble would he be in right now?  How many people in the public eye have been fired from shows for making racial slurs?  HOW is this any different.  He's calling all Woman who choose to take birth control Sluts.  I'm amazed that he can say this, still have his job and tomorrow if he said something about an African American he'd probably be fired.

That's where I stand.  I think he's just totally nuts and once someone says something like this it's very hard to ever "hear" another word they say.  I was never a fan and I can assure you I never will be.

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