Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Ok so many people ask about the various nicknames we have in our family.  Here's the deal.  When Jay and I first met he used to call me Lisa Lou (which is also a name of many my Grampa used to call me)  Then one day one of Jay's friends called me Lisa Lou without knowing it's what Jay called me.  Jay didn't like this so he renamed me Louweezy.  He called me this for years before finally shortening to Weezy.  One year at my parents place Jay was filling the boat with gas and used the wrong can thus killing the boat.  SO we decided to buy a boat and park it at my parents place.  Jay wanted to name it Bad Gas but my Mom and I were not on board with that idea so we decided on "WeezyWu"  The Wu being the fun part like WOOOOOOOO!!!!!  And that is how I became Weezywu.

Elizabeth also has various nicknames such as Bizzy, Bizzazer, Zazzer, Biz Buz, BizzyBoo (affectionately called that only by her big sister Kelsey) and Biz.  Depending on our moods she could be called any variation of these names but her true nickname is Biz.  And this is how it happened.  When Kelsey was born she was our snuggle baby.  She would watch movies and hang out with us for hours.  We never had to worry that she would try to climb the refrigerator.  When Elizabeth was born she was a whopping 9lbs 13.5oz!!!  She remained robust for an entire year until she started walking.  And once she started moving around she never stopped.  She still has never stopped.  She was "Busy" all the time and to this day she can sit through an entire school day without making a disruption but the minute she comes through the front door she is much like popcorn in a microwave.  She bounces all over the house.  So Biz is her name and being busy is her game.

Onto Jelly.  Jelly's real name is Jelena pronounced (Yuh-Lay-Nuh).  When I found out I was pregnant I was hoping for a boy so I could name him after Jay.  However we found out rather early into the pregnancy that she was a girl and so I went on a mad search to find her a J name so I could sort of name her after her Daddy.  Jay's full name is James Adam Hubert.  He has both his Grandpas first names as his middle names.  So once I found the name Jelena we named her Jelena Marie Louise.  Her 2 middle names are the 2 middle names of her Grandma's.  For a long time we though (before Jelly was born) that her name sounded the way it was spelled.  And since it sound like Juhlaynuh we thought a cute nickname would be Jelly.  Which took off at a high rate of speed long before she ever took her first breath.  Eventually we discovered the correct pronunciation but it didn't matter.  She was Jelly.  And Jelly is who she will always be.

Now the most recent nickname and maybe the last who knows?  Is our Irish Wolfhound Eve.  Her name is Genaveve and that was her name from the breeder we got her from.  We really liked her name so we just kept it.  However she WAS a Giant Puppy.  And by that I mean if you've ever had a puppy they do all kinds of puppy things that are so adorable and funny.  Well when Eve did them they were absolutely hilarious because she was already so huge!  So we started calling her Giant Puppy.  And I believe she will always be Giant Puppy.  Although she is often referred to as the Supermodel named by my Sister Laura because she is so tall and skinny and very stuck up when it comes to other dogs.  So her nickname is really Giant Puppy the Supermodel.  And she very much fits that name to a tee.....

That's all for nicknames so far.  I hope that clears things up for everyone.

My first Blog!!!!!!

OK so as I head into the New Year I've decided to start a blog.  I have so many thoughts in my head and there just isn't enough room on facebook for all of them. 
A few important things to know about me are that I've been with my husband Jay for 18 years.  We've been married now going on 15 years.  He is the love of my life and my best friend in the whole world.  I honestly could not imagine living without him. 
We have 3 beautiful girls, Kelsey 14, Elizabeth (who will always be referred to as Biz) and Jelena (Yuh-Lay-Nuh) who will always be referred to as Jelly. 
We have 3 dogs.  Rudy the Poodle who has finally become top dog since we lost our old boy Mojo in the Spring, Giant Puppy the Supermodel is an Irish Wolfhound and the sweetest dog I've ever known (unless I'm trying to open the door to a man) and Mr. Beanz who we recently adopted from the local Humane Society after fostering him for a few months and realizing that Giant Puppy was head over heels in love with him. 
My oldest daughter has a Bearded Dragon named Scally who gets fatter and fatter every day and loves her more than anyone in the whole world. 
After being a stay at home Mom for 14 years I recently started selling Avon and have found that I really enjoy it.  It's the first "job" I've ever had that makes me happy.  :D
I will continue to add different blogs that explain the unexplained in the future but for now I have to get back to my life.